In teaching yoga for over 23 years now, I learned in my first year of teaching … this isn’t like a classroom in elementary school where everyone is there is learn the same thing - how to read, write or do math.

I use to put together these amazing lesson plans to lead a vinyasa flow practice. But the reality was …. no one knew any of the poses, the correct alignment or what Yoga even meant. (I will do this one later).

Today’s class, I knew I wanted to use the hand towel and work with our hands. I had that feeling. Not knowing for sure who would show up for the Zoom Yoga Class but I had this sense that it would be a good start. So as people trickled into the “studio” we began to chat about any new aches or pains. The oldies I am familiar with. Several were tired, after all it is Monday. I am too am a bit slower on Mondays. The sun isn’t as strong these days and it getting darker sooner. Energy shifts as well from the full moon.

Something came over me and this class that I have never lead before … just poured out. Being spontaneous in teaching a practice is something I am known for, but there was something different about this one.

I LOVE slow movements. I LOVE just holding a pose and settling into it. Today was just that, but from a chair. We are a busy country, disconnected from Self and always distracted. Heck I even see students get up and leave the room and come back later on. But to take a moment and slow down, shut your eyes and feel safe in your body. WOW! That is a whole new level.

When I first began teaching 1998 and learning from a variety of “known” teachers and learning. Ohhhh how I love to learn alignment, anatomy, the WHY behind things. I had a male instructor who asked us to bring a blindfold or a scarf for a retreat we were away at for a week. We did a whole 3 hour practice blindfolded. For many of us, we see great, we know our surroundings, we are outward in our world.

But to take away a sense - the sense of sight. HOLY COW! What an enlightening experience. It made me become more in my body. I have been told my chiropractor that I am so observant in my body and I know where things connect and what it does. But this past year I have had some physical stuff happen that I don’t understand.

So I lay in my bed with my eyes closed and I ask my body, what do you need, what is the sign you can show me internally or outwardly that I can understand. Help me to help you.

Do you ever ask yourself these things? Is it time to start?


Too Sensitive …