Time to Let go …

I am hearing the last year (through a pandemic) has made many people more angry, lonely and even agitated. Then on the flip side I am hearing clients state they are getting more done, feel more calm and rested.

It is amazing how a human being has different reactions to a situation completely out of their control. One of the Yoga Sutras is about non-attachment. Or as my teenage self calls it the “Whatever” mentality.

My mother use to get so mad at me for saying “whatever” as it came across as disrespectful. However, those were the most freeing years of my life in my late teens early 20’s. I wasn’t attached to “stuff”, money or even to people. I had great friends, I spoke my truth and was never able to hide my feelings per my face.

I had finished college a year early and was out in the working world doing my internship and moving along in life. I got my first job in a small conservative town and was creating a “life”. My boss came into our work area and told me to stop dressing like a city girl (I wore a fancy hat one cold day). As a side note, I was from St. Louis, MO not NYC. And I was so applaud by his comment, that I asked him to clarify what he did not like about my attire. He said to take off my hat and not wear it inside. Well by this time, I had hat head …. you know what I mean, the ring around the head from my hat being tight. So I did and then he was shocked at how my hair looked. I couldn’t cut a break.

What I did do, not too long after this situation was quit my job. I moved back to “the city”.

So know in life there are things you can do to not attach to a place, a thing, an emotion, a person. We will discuss more of this as we go along.

Take a deep breath and relax what you are holding onto. Small steps make the best reminders! What is something you want to release attachment from? Comment below!

You got this and I am here to answer questions that might be coming up for you!


Too Sensitive …